Hedding Bell on the Quad covered in snow.
Where Will Your Curiosity Take You?
Majors: Follow Your Curiosity

With our broad-based areas of study, renowned pre-professional programs and holistic learning environments, you'll be prepared to adapt in an ever-changing world.

Link to Admissions page
自由之门手机版32 Become a Titan

At Illinois Wesleyan, you'll be part of a community, reaping the benefits of close interactions with faculty and fellow undergraduates (only undergraduates) in small classes.

Link to Financial Aid page
Financial Aid: Help Is Here

We're more affordable than you think. You'll get what you pay for and data shows you'll earn big on that investment.

Link to Signature Experiences page
自由之门手机版32 Learning

如何评价capper在表明diss lil.jet过后的微博一通操作? - 知乎:之前翻墙更多是去油管下歌,还有看一些国外的金融信息和新闻,方便自己炒股。 现在翻墙困难了,我也就有一段时间不翻墙了,我认为不太需要去油管求证,如果真的最后被打脸,我甘愿认罚。

Link to Outcomes page
Graduate Success

We've got bragging rights in job-placement rates, graduate school acceptance, on-time graduation rates, and high starting salaries for our grads.

Eat, Play, Live

Hang out with new-found friends, discover your leadership potential and enjoy rich co-curricular experiences.

"洋葱浏览器(Tor Browser) - CHN如是说 - 博客园:2021-11-2 · 5.访问推特(美国版微博),由于翻墙境外服务器,网络服务会有几分钟延迟。 例如蔡英文&特朗普&安倍晋三的推特 蔡英文推特 特朗普推特 安倍晋三推特 6.访问YouTube视频网站(美国版抖音) YouTube网站 点开视频,随便看,但是🈶️几分钟延迟,之后不 Wesleyan is the total package. Here, I am supported, challenged, and pushed to get involved. Illinois Wesleyan has brought out a better me and I can't wait to see what the next couple of years hold."

Lauryn Lingad '21 Nursing Major
Lauren Portrait


At Illinois Wesleyan, you count - and you'll find faculty and staff who recognize your spark and help you break through to your potential.

among undergraduate institutions in Illinois
11:1 student-faculty ratio
银华通胀的含油率 “ 作为原油界的独苗,$银华通胀 ...:这篇文章不仅计算了银华通胀的含油率,同时也讲述了我估值的大体思路。做这个基金需要一点技术,最好要自己学会估值,建立自己的估值体系,才能心中有底,心中不慌。这个方法估值,误差不是太大。我觉得1%伍内的误差都不影响决策。
97% graduates employed
or in grad school within 6 months of graduating


  • Class of 2023 Honored at Virtual Commencement
    Class of 2023 Honored at Virtual Commencement

    Illinois Wesleyan University celebrated more than 380 graduating members of the Class of 2023 - virtually - during Commencement exercises on Sunday, Aug. 2.

  • 自由之门手机版32

    Illinois Wesleyan has announced we will start the fall semester early and end by Thanksgiving, to limit the spread of COVID-19. Classes will begin Aug. 17.
